I am not allowed to use actual examples from work so this blog will instead document by example the process of developing a complete personal banking application that will handle credits, debits, currencies and that will use a set of design patterns that I have created for the process.
In order to make the examples documented here clear and modular, I will try and steer away from re-visiting existing code to add new functionality, and will instead extend and inject where appropriate.
From my own personal experience, DROOLS is an excellent choice for banking and financial rules and through use of DROOLS I have adopted my own standards.
- Ideally the Facts that are asserted (I know that in 4 they are inserted, but I prefer the term asserted) into the DROOLS engine should be decoupled from the banking data and I prefer to inject helper objects into the facts being asserted rather than use helper classes or globals for calculations or storage of intermediate values - I refer to this as the Calculator Pattern later in the blog.
- Helper classes I use for logging rule activity and those helper classes can print to a file or use log4j as you wish.
- For the creation of additional Facts at rule-time, I use a RuleFactory object that is supplied as a global - I think in more complicated rulesets, it would be better injecting it into a Fact or Facts somewhere, but so far I have not needed to go that far.
The examples here are simplistic and are presented as demonstration and discussion documents so any feedback is welcome.
Finally, this is my first attempt at blogging so bear with me.
Step 1 - A Simple Example
I am using the latest version of JBOSS Rules, with Eclipse Europa and the JBOSS Rules plug-in for Eclipse. I haven't got the links to hand at the moment, so I will add them later.
My first task is to write a simple class to interface with the Rule Engine, and a simple rule just to see it all hanging together. Here we go:
package com.javarepository.rules;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import org.drools.RuleBase;
import org.drools.RuleBaseFactory;
import org.drools.WorkingMemory;
import org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder;
import org.drools.rule.Package;
public class RuleRunner
public RuleRunner(){}
public void runRules(String[] rules, Object... facts)
throws Exception
RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder();
for(String ruleFile : rules)
System.out.println("Loading file: "+ruleFile);
new InputStreamReader(
Package pkg = builder.getPackage();
WorkingMemory workingMemory
= ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
for(Object fact : facts)
System.out.println("Inserting fact: "+fact);
public static void simple1()
throws Exception
new RuleRunner().runRules(
new String[]{"/simple/rule01.drl"});
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
And a simple rule to run:
package simple
rule "Rule 01"
eval (1==1)
System.out.println("Rule 01 Works");
I'm not going to go into too much detail about what is happening here. Suffice it to say that eval (1==1) will always return true and so we should get an output of:
Loading file: /simple/rule01.drl
Rule 01 Works
Step 2 - Introducing Facts
My next step is to assert some simple facts and print them out.
Let's add the method simple2() to the RuleRunner class (not forgetting to call it in the main method).
simple2() method from RuleRunner.java
public static void simple2()
throws Exception
Number n1=3, n2=1, n3=4, n4=1, n5=5;
new RuleRunner().runRules(
new String[]{"/simple/rule02.drl"},
This doesn't use any specific facts but instead asserts a set of java.lang.Number's
Now we will create a simple rule to print out these facts.
package simple
rule "Rule 02 - Number Printer"
Number( $intValue : intValue )
System.out.println("Number found with value: "+$intValue);
Once again, this rule does nothing special. It identifies any facts that are Numbers and prints out the values. So what would we expect and what do we get?
From the inputs, we might expect
Loading file: /simple/rule02.drl
Inserting fact: 3
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 4
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 5
Number found with value: 5
Number found with value: 1
Number found with value: 4
Number found with value: 1
Number found with value: 3
but what we actually get is:
Loading file: /simple/rule02.drl
Inserting fact: 3
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 4
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 5
Number found with value: 5
Number found with value: 4
Number found with value: 1
Number found with value: 3
My first instinct was the think that this is actually a feature of Drools. It is instead a feature of autoboxing. Reading the DROOLS documentation (and an email from Mark Proctor) reveals that by default the DROOLS WorkingMemory uses an IdentityHashMap to store all the asserted Objects. The following simple test, generates the same output as above, demonstrating that the constant value of 1 is stored only once in the runtime constant pool and two Integers autoboxed from this constant will actually be the same physical object and so will not be duplicated in the IdentityHashMap keyset.
package com.javarepository.test;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
public class TestIdentityHashMap
public static void main(String[] args)
IdentityHashMap<Object,Object< map = new IdentityHashMap<Object,Object<();
Number n1=3, n2=1, n3=4, n4=1, n5=5;
for(Object key : map.keySet())
Further documentation on how the jvm stores primitives and objects can be found at
Step 3 - Sorting Numbers
There are probably a hundred and one better ways to sort numbers; but we will need to apply some cashflows in date order when we start looking at banking rules so let's look at a simple rule based example.
simple3() method from RuleRunner.java
public static void simple3()
throws Exception
Number n1=3, n2=1, n3=4, n4=1, n5=5;
new RuleRunner().runRules(
new String[]{"/simple/rule03.drl"},
Actually, this method is exactly the same as simple2() with the exception that it supplies rule03.drl to the Rule Engine.
Now let's look at the rule that will sort our numbers:
package simple
rule "Rule 03"
$number : Number( $intValue : intValue )
not Number( intValue < $intValue)
System.out.println("Number found with value: "
The first line of the rules identifies a Number and extracts the value. The second line ensures that there does not exist a smaller number than the one found. By executing this rule, we might expect to find only one number - the smallest in the set. However, the retraction of the number after it has been printed, means that the smallest number has been removed, revealing the next smallest number, and so on.
So, the output we generate is
Loading file: /simple/rule03.drl
Inserting fact: 3
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 4
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 5
Number found with value: 1
Number found with value: 3
Number found with value: 4
Number found with value: 5
I've not tried any timings with this approach but would be interested to compare this with a sorting algorithm.
Step 4 - Sorting Cashflows
Now we want to start moving towards our personal accounting rules. The first step is to create a Cashflow POJO.
package com.javarepository.rules;
import java.util.Date;
public class Cashflow
private Date date;
private double amount;
public Cashflow(){}
public Cashflow(Date date, double amount)
this.date = date;
this.amount = amount;
public Date getDate()
return date;
public void setDate(Date date)
this.date = date;
public double getAmount()
return amount;
public void setAmount(double amount)
this.amount = amount;
public String toString()
return "Cashflow[date="+date+",amount="+amount+"]";
The Cashflow has two simple attributes, a date and an amount. I have added a toString method to print it and overloaded the constructor to set the values.
Now, let's add the method simple4() to RuleRunner.
simple4() method from RuleRunner.java
public static void simple4()
throws Exception
Object[] cashflows =
new Cashflow(new SimpleDate("01/01/2007"), 300.00),
new Cashflow(new SimpleDate("05/01/2007"), 100.00),
new Cashflow(new SimpleDate("11/01/2007"), 500.00),
new Cashflow(new SimpleDate("07/01/2007"), 800.00),
new Cashflow(new SimpleDate("02/01/2007"), 400.00),
new RuleRunner().runRules(
new String[]{"/simple/rule04.drl"},
Here, we simply create a set of Cashflows and supply them and rule04.drl to the RuleEngine.
SimpleDate is a simple class that extends Date and takes a String as input. The code is listed below
package com.javarepository.rules;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class SimpleDate extends Date
public SimpleDate(String datestr)
throws Exception
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Now, let's look at rule04.drl to see how we print the sorted Cashflows:
package simple
import com.javarepository.rules.*;
rule "Rule 04"
$cashflow : Cashflow( $date : date, $amount : amount )
not Cashflow( date < $date)
System.out.println("Cashflow: "+$date+" :: "+$amount);
Here, we identify a Cashflow and extract the date and the amount. In the second line of the rules we ensure that there is not a Cashflow with an earlier date than the one found. In the consequences, we print the Cashflow that satisfies the rules and then retract it, making way for the next earliest Cashflow.
So, the output we generate is:
Loading file: /simple/rule04.drl
Inserting fact: Cashflow[date=Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2007,amount=300.0]
Inserting fact: Cashflow[date=Fri Jan 05 00:00:00 GMT 2007,amount=100.0]
Inserting fact: Cashflow[date=Thu Jan 11 00:00:00 GMT 2007,amount=500.0]
Inserting fact: Cashflow[date=Sun Jan 07 00:00:00 GMT 2007,amount=800.0]
Inserting fact: Cashflow[date=Tue Jan 02 00:00:00 GMT 2007,amount=400.0]
Cashflow: Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 300.0
Cashflow: Tue Jan 02 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 400.0
Cashflow: Fri Jan 05 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 100.0
Cashflow: Sun Jan 07 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 800.0
Cashflow: Thu Jan 11 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 500.0
Step 5 - Processing Credits
Here we extend our Cashflow to give a TypedCashflow which can be CREDIT or DEBIT. Ideally, we would just add this to the Cashflow type, but so that we can keep all the examples simple, we will go with the extensions.
package com.javarepository.rules;
import java.util.Date;
public class TypedCashflow extends Cashflow
public static final int CREDIT = 0;
public static final int DEBIT = 1;
private int type;
public TypedCashflow(){}
public TypedCashflow(Date date, int type, double amount)
super(date, amount);
this.type = type;
public int getType()
return type;
public void setType(int type)
this.type = type;
public String toString()
return "TypedCashflow[date="+getDate()
There are lots of ways to improve this code, but for the sake of the example this will do.
Now, let's add the method simple5() to RuleRunner.
simple5() method from RuleRunner.java
public static void simple5()
throws Exception
Object[] cashflows =
new TypedCashflow(new SimpleDate("01/01/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 300.00),
new TypedCashflow(new SimpleDate("05/01/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 100.00),
new TypedCashflow(new SimpleDate("11/01/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 500.00),
new TypedCashflow(new SimpleDate("07/01/2007"),
TypedCashflow.DEBIT, 800.00),
new TypedCashflow(new SimpleDate("02/01/2007"),
TypedCashflow.DEBIT, 400.00),
new RuleRunner().runRules(
new String[]{"/simple/rule05.drl"},
Here, we simply create a set of Cashflows which are either CREDIT or DEBIT Cashflows and supply them and rule05.drl to the RuleEngine.
Now, let's look at rule05.drl to see how we print the sorted Cashflows:
package simple
import com.javarepository.rules.*;
rule "Rule 05"
$cashflow : TypedCashflow( $date : date, $amount : amount,
type==TypedCashflow.CREDIT )
not TypedCashflow( date < $date, type==TypedCashflow.CREDIT )
System.out.println("Credit: "+$date+" :: "+$amount);
Here, we identify a Cashflow with a type of CREDIT and extract the date and the amount. In the second line of the rules we ensure that there is not a Cashflow of type CREDIT with an earlier date than the one found. In the consequences, we print the Cashflow that satisfies the rules and then retract it, making way for the next earliest Cashflow of type CREDIT.
So, the output we generate is
Loading file: /simple/rule05.drl
Inserting fact: TypedCashflow[date=Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2007,type=Credit,amount=300.0]
Inserting fact: TypedCashflow[date=Fri Jan 05 00:00:00 GMT 2007,
Inserting fact: TypedCashflow[date=Thu Jan 11 00:00:00 GMT 2007,
Inserting fact: TypedCashflow[date=Sun Jan 07 00:00:00 GMT 2007,
Inserting fact: TypedCashflow[date=Tue Jan 02 00:00:00 GMT 2007,
Credit: Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 300.0
Credit: Fri Jan 05 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 100.0
Credit: Thu Jan 11 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 500.0
Step 6 - Processing Credits and Debits
Here we are going to process both CREDITs and DEBITs on 2 bank accounts to calculate the account balance. In order to do this, I am going to create two separate Account Objects and inject them into the Cashflows before passing them to the Rule Engine. The reason for this is to provide easy access to the correct Bank Accounts without having to resort to Helper classes.
Let's take a look at the Account class first. This is a simple POJO with an account number and balance:
package com.javarepository.rules;
public class Account
private long accountNo;
private double balance=0;
public Account(){};
public Account(long accountNo)
this.accountNo = accountNo;
public long getAccountNo()
return accountNo;
public void setAccountNo(long accountNo)
this.accountNo = accountNo;
public double getBalance()
return balance;
public void setBalance(double balance)
this.balance = balance;
public String toString()
return "Account["
Now let's extend our TypedCashflow to give AllocatedCashflow (allocated to an account).
package com.javarepository.rules;
import java.util.Date;
public class AllocatedCashflow extends TypedCashflow
private Account account;
public AllocatedCashflow(){}
public AllocatedCashflow(Account account, Date date, int type, double amount)
super(date, type, amount);
this.account = account;
public Account getAccount()
return account;
public void setAccount(Account account)
this.account = account;
public String toString()
return "AllocatedCashflow["
Now, let's add the method simple6() to RuleRunner. Here we create two Account objects and inject one into each cashflow as appropriate. For simplicity I have simply included them in the constructor.
simple6() method from RuleRunner.java
public static void simple6()
throws Exception
Account acc1 = new Account(1);
Account acc2 = new Account(2);
Object[] cashflows =
new AllocatedCashflow(acc1,new SimpleDate("01/01/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 300.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc1,new SimpleDate("05/02/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 100.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc2,new SimpleDate("11/03/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 500.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc1,new SimpleDate("07/02/2007"),
TypedCashflow.DEBIT, 800.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc2,new SimpleDate("02/03/2007"),
TypedCashflow.DEBIT, 400.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc1,new SimpleDate("01/04/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 200.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc1,new SimpleDate("05/04/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 300.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc2,new SimpleDate("11/05/2007"),
TypedCashflow.CREDIT, 700.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc1,new SimpleDate("07/05/2007"),
TypedCashflow.DEBIT, 900.00),
new AllocatedCashflow(acc2,new SimpleDate("02/05/2007"),
TypedCashflow.DEBIT, 100.00)
new RuleRunner().runRules(
new String[]{"/simple/rule06.drl"},
Now, let's look at rule06.drl to see how we apply each cashflow in date order and calculate and print the balance.
package simple;
import com.javarepository.rules.*;
rule "Rule 06 - Credit"
$cashflow : AllocatedCashflow( $account : account,
$date : date, $amount : amount,
type==TypedCashflow.CREDIT )
not AllocatedCashflow( account == $account, date < $date)
System.out.println("Credit: "+$date+" :: "+$amount);
System.out.println("Account: "+$account.getAccountNo()
+" - new balance: "+$account.getBalance());
rule "Rule 06 - Debit"
$cashflow : AllocatedCashflow( $account : account,
$date : date, $amount : amount,
type==TypedCashflow.DEBIT )
not AllocatedCashflow( account == $account, date < $date)
System.out.println("Debit: "+$date+" :: "+$amount);
System.out.println("Account: "+$account.getAccountNo()
+" - new balance: "+$account.getBalance());
Here, we have separate rules for CREDITs and DEBITs, however we do not specify a type when checking for earlier cashflows. This is so that all cashflows are applied in date order regardless of which type of cashflow type they are. In the rule section we identify the correct account to work with and in the consequences we update it with the cashflow amount.
Loading file: /simple/rule06.drl
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=1,balance=0.0],
date=Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2007,type=Credit,amount=300.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=1,balance=0.0],
date=Mon Feb 05 00:00:00 GMT 2007,type=Credit,amount=100.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=2,balance=0.0],
date=Sun Mar 11 00:00:00 GMT 2007,type=Credit,amount=500.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=1,balance=0.0],
date=Wed Feb 07 00:00:00 GMT 2007,type=Debit,amount=800.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=2,balance=0.0],
date=Fri Mar 02 00:00:00 GMT 2007,type=Debit,amount=400.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=1,balance=0.0],
date=Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 BST 2007,type=Credit,amount=200.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=1,balance=0.0],
date=Thu Apr 05 00:00:00 BST 2007,type=Credit,amount=300.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=2,balance=0.0],
date=Fri May 11 00:00:00 BST 2007,type=Credit,amount=700.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=1,balance=0.0],
date=Mon May 07 00:00:00 BST 2007,type=Debit,amount=900.0]
Inserting fact: AllocatedCashflow[account=Account[accountNo=2,balance=0.0],
date=Wed May 02 00:00:00 BST 2007,type=Debit,amount=100.0]
Debit: Fri Mar 02 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 400.0
Account: 2 - new balance: -400.0
Credit: Sun Mar 11 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 500.0
Account: 2 - new balance: 100.0
Debit: Wed May 02 00:00:00 BST 2007 :: 100.0
Account: 2 - new balance: 0.0
Credit: Fri May 11 00:00:00 BST 2007 :: 700.0
Account: 2 - new balance: 700.0
Credit: Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 300.0
Account: 1 - new balance: 300.0
Credit: Mon Feb 05 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 100.0
Account: 1 - new balance: 400.0
Debit: Wed Feb 07 00:00:00 GMT 2007 :: 800.0
Account: 1 - new balance: -400.0
Credit: Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 BST 2007 :: 200.0
Account: 1 - new balance: -200.0
Credit: Thu Apr 05 00:00:00 BST 2007 :: 300.0
Account: 1 - new balance: 100.0
Debit: Mon May 07 00:00:00 BST 2007 :: 900.0
Account: 1 - new balance: -800.0
The Source
The source for this blog entry can be downloaded from
can u plez send me the links frm whr u downloaded latest version for JBOSS Rules and Eclipse Europa.
Hi, sorry for taking a while to come back to you.
Here are the links for Eclipse and Drools. (The Drools latest build is in the links to the side of the blog)
and click on the download section on the left.
Hope that helps
Hi, sorry for taking a while to come back to you.
Here are the links for Eclipse and Drools. (The Drools latest build is in the links to the side of the blog)
and click on the download section on the left.
Hope that helps
Im working on drools, it works good in Eclipse. Now i have converted it into a jar file and im trying to run it from a command prompt,
It throws an Exception saying, NoSuchMethodErrors: org.drools.rule.Rule.setPackage
looking forward for ur kind help
Joyce, this just looks like a classpath error. Have you included the Drools jars in the classpath?
Thanks a lot for your post!! It's been really helpful :)
I am getting this error & drools library is in the classpath. Any suggestions, I only have jre6 on my machine & use eclipse 3.5.2 (galilieo, using drools ide 5.1.0
Hi, Thanks for the wonderful tutorial. I'm facing problem running it though. I get the error saying that - no such method on
org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder.addRule. My classpath is set right, I have added all libraries, but still the error persist. it will be very helpful if you can solve this. Thanks a lot mate.
I'm trying to run these rules on a list that will have to be returned to the caller after applying the rules.
So if there are elements 1,2,3,4 and 5, and 3,4 should be removed from the list based on some logic.
The final list needs to be returned to the caller.
The retract option only removes the object from the working memory.How do I affect the list that needs to be returned to the caller.
Thanks a lot for such a wonderful tutorial.... Keep the good work going....
Thanks a lot....
But i m getting java.lang.NullPointerException...
How i can resolve this.
Thanks a lot....
But i m getting java.lang.NullPointerException...
How i can resolve this.
Thanks a lot....
But i m getting java.lang.NullPointerException...
How i can resolve this.
Hi, this examples doesn't work with the lateset release of drools.
Any idea why?
See here for a diskussion, maybe you can help! Thanks in advance!
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